Legion offers tests for scholarships
The state department of the American Legion will be offering 33 scholarships to be awarded as the result of tests held in March.
To promote “Americanism, love of county, knowledge of government and allegiance to the U.S. flag to our youth” the legion is offering tests to high school students in grades 10-through-12. Students are tested on their knowledge of U.S., Wisconsin and county governments, the U.S. Constitution and flag etiquette. The test consists of 50 questions, including true or false, multiple choice, matching and an essay that must be answered in order to qualify for the scholarship. Students are not allowed to use outside resources for answers while taking the test.
Any 10th-through-12th grade student in public, private, parochial or home-schooled within the state may participate, however, they may only take the test once per year. Students may take the tests all three years and would be eligible to win scholarships multiple times.
The scholarships are $250 for 11 students in 10th grade, $300 for 11 students in 11th grade and $750 for 11 students in 12th grade.
Students can register for the test at www.wilegionorg, the link will only be active during the test window, which will be March 9-20. For more information, e-mail sheri@wilegion.org or call 608-745-1090.