Local bird watching contest this Saturday

Expert birders and people who just started noticing that there are birds in their yards can participate in the Trempealeau County Backyard Birding Big Day contest on Saturday. 

Participants can enter into the contest with a chance to win one of two $25 gift certificates to locally-owned Trempealeau County businesses of their choice. 

The rules for the contest are:

• Participants must actively observe birds for at least 15 minutes in Trempealeau County. This can be in backyards or at one of the open parks, but participants must actively be looking for birds for at least 15 minutes. Each individual can only enter one checklist, although they are welcome to bird more and in multiple places on “the Big Day.”

• Participants must submit a checklist to Ebird, a citizen science database, and post a screenshot of your list to the event’s Facebook page. For more info, please see https://www.macaulaylibrary.org/get-started-with-ebird/

• Those who post a receipt to a Trempealeau County business dated May 9, 2020 as a response to the screenshot, you will get one extra entry into the contest. The business can be a restaurant, hardware store, nursery or anything else that is locally owned in Trempealeau County. 

• Respect social distancing. Especially at our local parks.

Visit the event’s Facebook page for more information. 



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