Parking limits proposed for 2026 Arcadia work
The state may seek expanding west no-parking zones along Highway 95 through Arcadia to accommodate turn lanes in a project that has now been bumped out to 2026.
The resurfacing of West and East Main Street could also include flashing lights for crossing in front of the Arcadia Elementary School, something council members have been seeking. The Department of Transportation also questioned whether the city would like a change in the intersection of 95 and Fairfield Avenue to accommodate school traffic.
The resurfacing of the street would not include any work on the Highways 93 and 95 intersection, which is now not set for work until 2028, Mayor Rob Reichwein said at last Wednesday city council meeting. The state DOT once explored options for the intersection that included a roundabout, though Reichwein said that does not appear to be the current plan.
The scope of the Main Street work could be completed by the spring of 2021, according to the DOT. Council member Joe Feltes said he would like to encourage concrete rather an asphalt surface for the highway.
The council approved pay for workers at the city aquatic center and summer parks and recreation programs that includes about $10,000 in savings due to parents volunteering to coach some of the activities, said parks and recreation director Eva Anderson.
Feltes proposed reducing to 75 cents the proposed $1 increase for some positions to match raises given other city employees. His motion died for lack of a second. Council member Paul Anderson said he did not wish to begin tying the pay for seasonal help to wages offered to city employees. Eva Anderson said too that the recreation workers do not get an annual increase.
The council is still working on an ordinance forbidding snowmobiles, ATVs and UTVs from city parks except on designated trails, and approved the standard agreement with the school district on use of the city swimming pool.