AAI announces contest winners
The Arcadia Arts Initiative held monthly art contests from April to June with winners coming from throughout the area.
The April contest’s theme was “Home” and the winners were Claire Wolfe of Cochrane with a colorful drawing of a house and Jeri Harper of Trempealeau with a poem and abstract design.
“Family” was the theme for the May contest and the winners were Lauren Wolfe of Cochrane with a rainbow painting and Helen Gierok of Independence who wrote a poem titled “Mother”.
In June, artists submitted work around the theme of “On The Farm” to celebrate June Dairy Month. The winners were Avery Cowley with a barn and animal drawing and Ryan Childers, who submitted a barn and tractor sketch, both are from Arcadia.
Contest participants ranged from age seven to 82, all of them residing in Buffalo, Trempealeau or Jackson counties. Each winner received $25 and coupons from McDonalds or Subway. The Arcadia Historical Society collaborated with AAI on this contest. All submissions can be seen at https://www.facebook.com/arcadiaartsinitiative.
The next project that the greater Arcadia community and local artists is encouraged to participate in is called The Kindness Project.
The goal will be to spread kindness by painting inspirational rocks and placing them around the neighborhood. Participants might even be allowed to place them inside a business if the business allows.
The project will be going on this summer and fall, so area residents should be on the lookout for pops of color and kind messages in the area.
When participants place their rocks, they are asked to be respectful of people’s property and don’t place them in areas where they can get caught in mowers or other machinery. When in doubt, participants should ask before placing the rocks.
Those wishing to participate are asked to reach out to the Arcadia Arts Initiative if they need any free paint, brushes, rocks or other supplies. Contact ArcadiaWIArts@gmail.com or 507-279-3977 for questions. To get started, visit www.thekindnessrocksproject.com/howto