Dominic “Don” L. Pogreba
Dominic “Don” Louis Pogreba, 77, of Independence, passed away February 14, 2024, at Gundersen Health Center, surrounded by family and friends.
Dominic was born September 29, 1946, to Frank and Emma (Smieja) Pogreba. Don was more of a hands-on learner so, in lieu of reform school, he joined the U.S. Army in 1964, and served proudly as a radioman and tank operator with the 77th ARTY, 1st CAV DIV. He was a life-time member of VFW Post 1530 and American Legion Post 52. Don wore many hats in the working world, then finally settled in at Wick Buildings and retired in 2008.
Pops enjoyed traveling to visit his family and friends. He also enjoyed hunting in Wisconsin and out west. After retirement, Don moved to La Crosse to help keep the daytime bartenders on task and deliver the till bags. His role was so much more…such a great companion for his sister-in-law, Dianne, and a dedicated grandpa. He also never missed the annual fishing trip to Canada for a good shore lunch and a Labatt Blue. Don was a social butterfly. He enjoyed bullshitting and giving people the business at brunch on Thursdays or with the Taco Tuesday crew. He was also a very demanding Euchre partner — if you didn’t guard the gate you would hear about it! We think his desire to beat Crowley on Thanksgiving and Easter every year added at least a couple years of life for us!
Don’s grandkids were the sparkle in his eyes. He loved watching them all grow into great humans, and he was so proud! Don’s nieces were probably his favorite — which one was the most favorite we will never know. But we think after raising three smart ass boys, it was the many calls and conversations with the “girls” that he loved so much that really completed his days.
Don was always there when you needed him, whether you needed help with a project, a ride, an ear to bend, a drinking partner, or a supervisor — he was always there. We love you DAD!
We would like to thank Heather Wiltse for taking such good care of him on a regular basis.
Don is survived by three sons: Brian (Brittany Hopper) of Baraboo, Doug of Baraboo, and Josh (Theresa Held) of La Crosse; sister-in-law, Dianne Pogreba of La Crosse; his seven grandchildren: Dayna (Tony) Dahmen of Wisconsin Dells, Nikki (Stephen) Timm of Sun Prairie, Emily Pogreba of Baraboo, Abagal Pogreba of Baraboo, Alois Pogreba of Baraboo, Joshua Pogreba of La Crosse, and Samuel Pogreba of La Crosse; and one great-grandchild, Charley Dahmen; and many nieces and nephews (but he loved time with his favorite niece).
He was preceeded in death by his parents; and all of his siblings: Robert, Dorothy, Alphonse, Joe, Louie, Al, Marian, Clarence and Betty.
A Celebration of Life was held Sunday, February 25, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. with military honors at 2:00 p.m., at Pettibone Boat Club, La Crosse.
Burial was conducted Monday, February 26, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., at Ss. Peter and Paul Cemetery in Independence.