- Have you stopped watching professional sports due to political statements? - 46 votes - closed
- Are you planning on sending your child to school for in-person instruction? - 26 votes - closed
- Should area schools play football in the alternate spring season (March 8-May 3)? - 51 votes - closed
- Are you comfortable with your school district’s restart plan? - 4 votes - closed
- Should county sheriff’s departments enforce the mask mandate issued by Gov. Evers? - 8 votes - closed
- Should school districts require face coverings for students? - 9 votes - closed
- Do you wear a face covering in indoor public settings? - 7 votes - closed
- Would you be comfortable sending your child to school without a requirement for students and staff to wear face coverings? - 7 votes - closed
- Do you think the 2020 high school football season will be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic? - 5 votes - closed
- Do you enjoy fireworks shows? - 2 votes - closed
- Should professional sports leagues begin playing again? - 6 votes - closed
- Have you already decided which presidential candidate you’re going to vote for in November? - 2 votes - closed
- Were you satisfied with your school district's response to school closures caused by COVID-19? - 5 votes - closed
- Are you satisfied with how the Trump administration has handled the COVID-19 pandemic? - 7 votes - closed
- Do you know anybody who has tested positive for COVID-19? - 6 votes - closed